Pool Care
Pool care is very important to the health of your pool, spa and your pool equipment. In fact, swimming in a pool that has not been maintained properly can be pretty dangerous, also without proper pool care your pool could become contaminated very quickly and will look unsightly. This is why you should always hire a professional pool service to take care of your pool.
This is how to gauge whether you have a Professional Pool Service
1. They will be on site for a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes.
2. You should receive an email update on the status of your pool after every visit.
3. Your Pool Technician should be able to answer any questions you may have about your pool.
4. Your pool should look, crystal clear. It should feel comfortable to swim in (no smells of chlorine on your skin, and no itchy eyes)
5. You should 100% feel that you are getting value for your money. And, you should feel that you can trust them.
if you're not getting a 5 out of 5, you don't have a professional pool service and you should look for someone that can!
So what is Pool Care?
Let's break it down to five key areas.
1. Circulation
2. Filtration
3. Sanitation
4. Chemical balance
5. Maintenance
If any one of the 5 elements are missing your pool will suffer.
Circulation. It is the critical factor in the health of any pool and is controlled by your pool pump. It's the job of your pump to turn the water over at least one and a half times to two times a day. A bad or non working pool pump will not turn the water over sufficiently and will lead to issues and an unhealthy pool.
Filtration. It is essential to filtrate the circulated water. A cartridge filter traps the sediment and harmful bacteria from re-entering the pool much like the oil filter in your car or an AC filter in your home. A dirty or contaminated filter will hinder the process. A dirty non cleaned filter is likened to swimming in dirty bath water??? Cartridge filters should be cleaned at least 1 a month in the summer months.
DE filters need less cleaning and should be cleaned every three months or when needed. It is the same for sand filters.
Sanitization. Speaks for itself and keeps the pool water healthy for swimming. it helps with the prevention of algae growth.
"The sanitizer is the pool chlorine" maintaining the correct PPM (parts per million) is essential for healthy bathing. Around 3 to 6 is perfect for most pools.
Chemical balance. Creates harmony of the pool's health environment , and will always prevent you from the harmful effects of poor water quality. Your skin will not react well with water that is too acidic or too high in chlorine. Far from the myth associated with pool hygiene in that the chlorine is the critical agent, it's in fact the Ph and Alkalinity that are the most important values in any pool. If your eyes burn or itch when you swim it's a sure sign of a Ph imbalance and not the chlorine. Around 7.4 to 7.6 to a 7.8 is ideal for PH and 80 to 120 for the Alkalinity (depending on the pool)
Other factors are Cyanuric acid CYN and Calcium.
Maintenance. Your pool always needs constant attention and a regular maintenance program. It is essential to pool health. Checking Pool pumps, Cleaning Cartridge filters, Adjusting Pool chemicals, Brushing, Netting and Chemical balance will help save expensive equipment and help prevent pool surfaces from long-term severe damage.
This is why you hire a professional pool service..
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